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Taysey & Music

The foundations of my work came from 30 years of supporting and rehabilitating horses from the residual effects of traumas they've experienced.  While I didn't yet fully understand exactly what was happening back then as I explored, I now know I was supporting them in reinstating the health of their own, natural tension release systems.  (read more)


As their tension release systems started to come 'back on-line' and began functioning more normally, their bodies and personalities would both see improvements.  In fact, over my years working with this method, I came upon a general approach that would basically kickstart a months or years long "phase of release" - where the horse is releasing more and more tensions that are being held deeply in the body, while also doing work to strengthen their bodies   It was a physiological process... of the body.   But the results and the changes felt magical, spiritual even. However, the underlying nature of Nature is LOVE. In other words, love IS alignment or will take you in that direction!  Therefore the more lovingly everything is approached, the more tension is released by both horse and human.                    


The transformations that were possible using this method were unlike anything else I'd previously experienced. It makes horses genuinely HAPPIER and healthier.  However, I found that many horses, when I first encountered them, were entirely bound up, with their tension release systems basically being non-functional in many ways.  Over time, I came to understand that when there was enough tension stuck in the body, the tension release system would bind up and would stop proactively working in clearing tensions from the body. 


(Spoiler Alert: This is where most of we humans are living, with bound up tension release systems that aren't even really working anymore.)


Ultimately, it would be almost 8 years into exploring this groundbreaking work with horses, when I had the watershed moment of realization that we humans are also designed with our own onboard tension release system.


What does this mean?


I suppose first and foremost it means that you not only have a circulatory system, a digestive system, and all of those other bodily systems we learned about in health class -  you also have a tension release system.  Given that, I highly recommend you learn how it operates, how it gets bound up, and how to restore it and flood out any tension accumulations you have in your body. 


And, just like with the horses, the process is a physological one at its core.   The results of releasing the sludge of tension in the body eventually become very much spiritual.  It's unavoidable actually.  You begin to clear the sludge-type effects of tension in the body,  your entire being begins to operate at a higher and higher level. Your perception begins to deepen and open up, you begin to see life at the level of energy, and the changes that begin to happen are entirely life transforming. 


However, at the base of it is just you, how your body was designed, and you making the decision to shed that which is not yours  

Let’s Work Together

500 Terry Francine Street 

San Francisco, CA 94158

Tel: 123-456-7890

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Flow State


& Flow State

with Taysey Taylor

Flow State

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